Rychtář Standard (20 x 0,5 l bottled) View larger

Rychtar Premium (20 x 0.5 l bottled)

Lager with pleasant, distinctive bitterness and fullness and great zest as well as head

More details

Lager with pleasant, distinctive bitterness and fullness and great zest as well as head
Brand Rychtář
Color Pale
Beer style Lager of the Pilsner type
Alcohol (%) 5%
Fermentation (°) 12.00°
Package type Bottled
Volume (l) 0.5 l
Total weight (kg) 18.10 kg
Quantity (pcs) 20
Type of beer Filtered
Pasteurization Pasteurized
Shelf-life (days) 90
Rate of alcohol 4.9% - 5.5% Strong
Supplier Pivovary Lobkowicz, a. s.
Refundable deposit (€) € 2.40
Nomenclature code 22030001
ID # 448